Hey there. I'm getting back to the blog-- sorry if it's been a while. I got back in the States without a problem on July 5th. Spent about a week packing up the rest of my stuff, moved it down to storage at my lil' bro's (thanks Jon/Kelly!), and went to FL to hang with the 'rents. Now, headed out to Tasmania. I'll be spending a year there at Launceston General Hospital as a "Senior Registrar," which is like a Senior Resident/Fellow equivalent position in the US. Because I'm not Board Certified, they wouldn't accept me as a "Consultant" (ie Attending/Specialist). It's kind of a silly quirk, especially considering I just learned that an affiliate of my old program is now advertising a position that pays two-and-a-half times what I'll be making in Australia!! Whatever-- it's the experience. That's what I'm telling my creditors...
So, in any event, feel free to stop by if you're visiting Austral-Asia any time in the next year... I've uploaded a few pictures of my theoretical apartment, which is just a few kilos walk (Yay metric system!) from the hospital. As a result of the cost and time lost in heading back and forth between the States and Aus, I think I'll postpone taking the Board Exam for a year. Apparently I can do this and still not have to start counting my CME activities for certification. We'll see. It'll be nice to have that money and vacation time to hang out in New Zealand, Japan, Thailand-- whereever-- if I can have it. It probably also makes sense in terms of not really having studied for the stupid thi
So, in any event, feel free to stop by if you're visiting Austral-Asia any time in the next year... I've uploaded a few pictures of my theoretical apartment, which is just a few kilos walk (Yay metric system!) from the hospital. As a result of the cost and time lost in heading back and forth between the States and Aus, I think I'll postpone taking the Board Exam for a year. Apparently I can do this and still not have to start counting my CME activities for certification. We'll see. It'll be nice to have that money and vacation time to hang out in New Zealand, Japan, Thailand-- whereever-- if I can have it. It probably also makes sense in terms of not really having studied for the stupid thi

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