Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Picture fest

So, back at the restaurant with good internet. Hope a few pictures upload. The first is of me next to the medical incinerator. :)

This next is of the crack JFK rapid response fleet. My assumption is that they have not had tires for about 5 years...

Dr. Toomey, one of the Residents who stayed on at JFK after her internship year there, is hugging Marcia Glass good-bye here, as Dr. N'jo (I think that's the spelling...) looks on. This room is the site of morning report.

Here is how the Rads department brings new meaning to the term "wet read." Problematic with the films is sometimes they dry with streaking or there's wrinkling of the film, so some pretty wild artifacts are created, making them tough to read. Also, more than one view is hard to get (it also costs the same per view!) and they are often put on the same sheet to save film. Try telling the Pt that the film is inadequate and they have to buy another!A few shots from the ED, including Louis leaving the HEARTT closet negotiating the "off-road" wheelchairs of JFK, and the trauma side "resuscitation area." Note the portable O2 compressor and suction (oomph-poor suction...) pump. They are donated from separate sources and one always needs a converter, depending on where you wheel them...

Surgical laundry day is awesome. I keep meaning to buy the ED flystrips-- I assume the same is relevant to the OT (operating theater)...

Lastly, this is where I spend most of my time. It's a desk on the medical side of the ER. The AC is nice, but note the condensation streaking down the curtains into the fuse box and out to the floor. Yeah, I'm thrilled by this. Fortunately, every day we have a different administrator come into the room, see the problem, and say they'll take care of it. This recurring situation will be featured prominently in the upcoming feature "WTF @ JFK."

Anyway, hope to have more up soon. No big news-- the clinical issues continue, and I continue to be confounded/astounded by the whole payment prior to service thing here. Working on working on it. Small small ("a little bit").

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